Wednesday, May 8, 2019

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Delhi University Library System Rules and Regulations 


1. The under mentioned categories of persons shall be entitled to borrow the specified number of volumes from the library for the periods mentioned against each. (AC Res. dated 31-1-1976 and EC Res. dated 3-2-1976) 
(i) Members of the Teaching Staff of the University 10 Volumes for 1 month

(ii) Members of the Teaching Staff of the Constituent Colleges. 6 Volumes for 1 month 

(iii) Research students enrolled on the register of the University 6 Volumes for 1 month on the recommendation of the Chairman, Board of Research Studies on payment of Rs. 100/ as library security and an annual subscription of Rs. 12/- to be deposited with the University at the time of registration as research student. The period of annual subscription will commence from the opening day of the session to the day before the opening of the following session. (AC Res. No. 362 dated 30-3-1977 & EC Res. No. 111 dated 11-4-1977. 

M.Phil students on the rolls of the University on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned on payment of Rs. 100/- as library security and an annual subscription of Rs. 12/- to be deposited with the University at the time of admission (Ordinance VI partially amended by Ec in its meeting on 7th December 1976) 6 Volumes one month 

(iv) Regular Post Graduate Master’s Degree  

(iv) Regular Post Graduate Master’s Degree students on the 4 Volumes for a fortnight Rolls of the University / the Colleges / Advisory Board 14 days of Women’s Education on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of the University / Principal of the College / Co-ordinator of the Board.

(v) Post-Graduate Master’s Degree Ex-students of the University 4 Volumes for a fotnight (not applicable to External Cell Candidates) on the 14 days recommendation of the Controller of Examinations on payment of Rs. 50/- as library security and Rs. 12/- as annual subscription to be deposited with the library. The period of annual subscription will commence with 1st April of the current year to the 31st March of the following year (AC Res. No. 362 dated 30-3-1977 & EC Res. 111 dated 11-4-1977) 

 (vii) Post-Graduate Bachelor Degree Students on the rolls of the 2 Volumes for a fortnight University on the recommendation of the Head of the 14 days Department.

 (viii) Outsiders engaged in research or higher studies under special 4 Volumes for a fortnight permission of the University Librarian on payment of Rs.50/- 14 days as library security and an annual subscription of Rs. 12/- for period beginning 1st April and ending 31st March of the following year. 

 (ix) Regular Non-Teaching Staff of the University. 4 Volumes for a fortnight 14 days 

   Library videos